torsdag 27 maj 2010

det värmer i ett krossat hjärta.

ögats kran fortsätter att släppa ut saltvatten. det rinner nerför kinderna, droppar på benen. ibland finner tårarna en annan väg och rinner in i munnen. det smakar salt.

jag fick ett mail nu ikväll.
"We had a drink for martin after the funeral. I had one for myself and then had one for you too :)". det värmer i mitt hjärta.

han skrev också:
"His mum also put a picture on top of his casket and it was the last picture that you put on his wall :)". leendet på mina läppar infann sig samtidigt som tårarna steg i mina ögon. dem har fortfarande inte tagit slut. jag finner inga ord. det värmer i ett krossat hjärta.

"its a very good picture, she also has the picture of yours and his eye in the album that she made up of his life. she had made up a picture album of his life from when he was a baby up until when he died, and that picture was towards the end".

coldplay - fix you.

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